
Head of Fitness: Supernatural


In the spring of 2019, I started working with Within AR/VR on their virtual reality fitness app, Supernatural. It was still a year out from being launched when I came in. We shot videos and recorded voice-over, experimenting with how the presence of a coach in the app could best work. It was one of the most innovative, exciting things I had ever seen.

For the next year, I continued to coach with them and in April of 2020, we launched. The app, available first on Oculus Quest, was a more-than-welcome relief for those looking for a sweaty escape during the global pandemic.

In the summer of 2020, I accepted the role of Head of Fitness for Supernatural. I continue to coach workouts, develop our team, support our incredible community of members, and dream up new ways of getting people to move in virtual reality.

The immersive quality of VR opens up a world of possibilities that will change how people move their bodies. I am absolutely thrilled to be a part of this team.